Friday, August 17, 2012


Welcome to Noah's Cookie Jar! I am a first time mom to a beautiful little boy, Noah Peter. Through out my pregnancy I did tons of research to help prepare me for my bundle of joy. No matter how many times I read "What to Expect When Expecting" I still didn't know what to expect! I am one of the first within my group of friends to have a baby so I don't have a lot of mommy brains to pick. But the one thing I have learned in just these short 7 weeks of Mr Noah's life is I need to take each day as it comes and check my OCD at the door! 

I wanted to start this blog to help other moms out there that are trucking along day by day just like me. I will be posting anything baby and mom related like breastfeeding challenges, recipes, DIY cleaning products, exercising with baby and much much more! So remember to take each day as they come and FEED~BURP~CHANGE~REAPET!!! 

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing Carm!
    I can't wait to read your posting and keep them logged for 7 years when I eventually have kids:) Have fun:D
