Saturday, August 18, 2012

Recipe for Creating a Sleepy Baby

Ohhhhh bath time... It can go one of two ways, they love it or absolutely hate it. Lucky for me Mr Noah LOVES it! Its already a huge part of his nightly routine before bed. I know all the books say to not bathe your infant everyday because it will dry out their skin, which is true and that infants don't really get dirty due to the fact they can't crawl around yet but I am not a fan of "stinky cheese neck". Poor Noah can't help having "stinky cheese neck" because he has about 5 chins, so a nightly bath is a must in our house. In order to keep my little man's baby soft skin soft, I don't use soap to bathe him. Instead I use the DoTerra Essential Oils in his bath water. Mr Noah not only smells yummy but he falls right to sleep from the soothing oils.


All you need to create this relaxing "spa" bath is the Fractionated Coconut Oil, Serenity Oil (or just lavender oil), Wild Orange Oil, and Milk.

Step 1: Fill the tub with warm water. I use a tub that has a sling for babies who are too young to support their head.

Step 2: Add two drops of the Fractionated Coconut Oil, one drop of Wild Orange, one or two drops of Serenity Oil and a splash of milk. Mix around in the tub.

Once the oils hit the water the whole room smells like a 4 star spa. Only wash your baby's body with the bath water, not their face. I use a separate wash cloth with plain water for Mr Noah's face and I wash his hair (more like peach fuzz) with a gentle baby shampoo twice a week.

Even though Noah is only 7 weeks old I have already established a nightly routine to help bring him down from the day....I nurse him, bath him, swaddle him (I only swaddle him at night) then poof...he is asleep for a good 5-7 hours. The perfect recipe for a good nights sleep.

Mr Noah relaxing at the spa

For more information on the DoTerra Essential Oils I have attached the website under pages.

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