Monday, April 8, 2013

Final Update on Baby Weight loss

This blog is looooooong over due. I officially hit my pre-pregnancy weight around the holidays. Which I thought would never happen because I bake like every other day and treat myself to a chai latte every  afternoon. But I am still breastfeeding which burns calories and I walk everywhere with Mr Noah.

Even though I lost all the weight that I gained during my pregnancy, my mid section is still really soft and I have just a teeny tiny bit of extra skin. I know that a few sit ups and planks will take care of that but I really really REALLY dislike stomach exercises. In reality, I have never had a super toned stomach because of that. The only exercise I currently do is walking which is great because Noah loves being outside (I think we walk a minimum of 5 miles a day). We walk so much that I purchased a Joovy jogging stroller on Cyber Monday back in November. (I was beating up his bug a boo stroller too much)

So here are my final results:

I gained about 40 during my pregnancy (maybe more, I didn't weigh myself at the end haha)

Hours before going into labor

3 weeks post pregnancy 
I lost around 25 pounds the first month 

10 weeks post pregnancy

I lost another 5 pounds by September 

9 months post pregnancy 

And the final results.....

I lost my last 12 pounds by the holidays!!!! This picture is from today.

You can still see the faint Linea Nigra line on my belly. It took me about 6 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Even though while I was going through the weight loss it felt like forever but in reality it didn't. You don't want to force your body to loss all the weight right away. It just isn't healthy. Let your body tell you how fast and how much you should lose. 

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