Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mani/Pedi Time

I will admit, the thought of filing down my little man's nails freaked me out. When Mr Noah was born he had really strong long nails. I was way too afraid to file them at first. I waited until he was about 3 weeks old to finally try. He hated it just as much as I did! He was so squirmy and kept his little hands in very tight fist. It was pretty traumatizing. Every couple of days I would try to file down his wolverine claws but I felt like I wasn't getting great results (I think I was actually making them sharper). The little man kept scratching his face and my chest whenever I nursed him. Even though the nail file wasn't doing much I  was way too afraid to try the nail clippers.

Then last week I came across a miracle product as I was flipping through a baby magazine...the Buzz B by Zo Li. Its an electric nail file for babies! Genius! Here is why I love it....

- Its super safe for babies even as young as newborns
- It comes with four different file pads that vary in texture depending on the   strength of the nails
- It has two different speed settings

I tried it out on Mr Noah after his bath and he didn't seem to mind it at all. I really love it because its fast and gentle on his wiggly hands. I definitely recommend this product to all moms who hate giving their little monkeys manicures! Its more expensive than a nail file but so worth the investment ($30). Its not sold at Babies R Us or Target which is a bummer but luckily I was able to find it at a small children's boutique near my place. Check out the website to find the nearest retailer http://www.zolibaby.com

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Baby Weight Loss Update

Its been a little over a month since I seriously started thinking about losing the last of my baby weight. My original goal was to lose 10 pounds. That wouldn't put me at my pre-prego weight but I figured I would never see that size 0 again after having my little man haha. Well I'm proud to say I lost 4 1/2 pounds in 4 weeks!!!!!  I'm very happy about this because I honestly didn't have a chance to work out more than  twice week. Its really hard to sneak out of the house with Mr Noah these days. He is going through a major separation anxiety when ever I leave the room just to shower! In order to reach my pre-prego weight I would need to lose another 10 pounds. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on myself so I am going to stick to my original goal which means I have another 6 to go!

Even though I lost 4 1/2 pounds I still feel really chubby around my mid section. I call it my accordion belly because when I sit the rolls crunch together haha. This month I am going to focus on working out at least 3 times a week. I think now that Mr Noah is turning 3 months I am going to look into the local Stroller Strides. That way I can take him with me to work out and I get to meet other moms in my area. I am also going to focus on kicking my Starbucks habit. During the last trimester of my pregnancy I would walk to Starbucks to get a Chai Frap. I have continued that habit which isn't healthy for me.  Even though its a mile walk round trip I know those little calories can add up.

When I compare my pictures I don't see much of a difference but it motivates me to work harder this month.

August 15th 
September 15th 
My goal this month is to lose 1-2 inches around my belly and another 2 pounds. Wish me luck!!! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Tummy Tub

Mr. Noah absolutely loves his bath at night. A few times he has started to cry when I take him out to get ready for bed. I don't mind him hanging in his bath for a while but it starts to get cold pretty quickly. So I  keep a wash cloth on his tummy and on his head to keep him warm. The only problem is that the wash cloths start to get cold so I have to keep re-wetting them. I figured this was all I can do until he is old enough to sit in a bathtub... oh so I thought....

The other night my mom and I were watching youtube videos on nursing using your Ergo carrier (I will be writing my review on that soon) when we saw videos for the Tummy Tub. Huh? The tummy what? After admiring all the cute babies in it we became very fascinated by this bathtub. So what exactly is the Tummy Tub...Its designed to mimic the shape and confinement of a mother's womb. Its tall enough to keep your baby warm at all times during the bath. Your baby is able to move freely just like when he or she was in the womb. This also helps to encourage motor skills and most importantly calm a fussy baby. It is safe to use starting at birth all the way to 35 pounds.

Hot Tubbing :) 
We found a few stores in our area that sold it so the next day we ventured out in search for the Tummy Tub. It looks like a giant clear bucket, or as my girlfriend Alaina said "giant Tubberware". I wasn't sure what my husband was going to say when I brought it home that night but then again he has stopped asking questioning since my first trimester when I was practically bathing myself in ginger oil on a flight to help my morning sickness haha. To my surprise my husband seemed to not think twice about it and actually was calling it a baby hot tub.
My chunky monkey

The time came to try it out. Mr. Noah seemed to enjoy it but also seemed a bit confused haha. We are going to try it again tonight but this time fill it up just a bit more so that the water is right up to his chest, really allowing him to experience the feeling of buoyancy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Caution: Explosives Ahead...

As a new mommy I knew that I would be experiencing my fair share of "explosive" diapers, I just didn't think it would happen on my lap or on my bed or in the car seat or pretty much anywhere but just in his diaper. Baby poop is harder to get out of clothes than people think. Basically the item is stained for life if not treated properly. Mr Noah had a few leaks here and there when he started growing out of his newborn diapers. The first time it happened I didn't think about treating the area before washing it. It came out of the dryer with a light yellow stain.

My Secret Weapon
But a few weeks ago a bomb went off in the morning. I was nursing Noah in bed when boom!!!!!! It was all over our comforter. My husband looked at me in shock and said "You know you have to throw it out now". I was so upset.  I love our comforter. I didn't want to get rid of it. Then it dawned on me to try the DoTerra On Guard Cleanser. We had recently switched all of our household cleaning products to the DoTerra Oils and I sometimes will run the On Guard Cleanser in the washing machine to clean it and kill the germs. So I bravely carried the hazardous waste downstairs and laid the comforter out on the kitchen floor. I first spot treated the area with the On Guard Cleanser, then I washed it with Dreft detergent and voila!!!!! It looked brand new again!


 The DoTerra On Guard Cleanser not only removes the stains but it also sanitizes which is super important when dealing with these hazardous disasters.

Since that morning I haven't experienced any more messes on my bed however we did have quite the episode a week ago in the bathroom while nursing him in Macy's. Luckily I was prepared with extra clothes, lots of wipes and the Arm and Hammer diaper bags to put the dirty clothes in. I didn't take any before or after  pictures of his shirt and shorts but again they came out looking brand spanking new.